Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Sophie Kinsella - Twenties Girl


Shophie Kinsella is #1 new york Times Bestselling Author. Some of her novels are bestselling, such as : Confession of Shopaholic, Shopaholic and sister, Shopahilic and baby ect. Her novels actually including funny novels. "Laught-Out-Loud" - San Francisco Chronicle.
The newest novel of Sophie is Twenties Girls. It's story about... Lara Lington has always had an overactive imagination seems to be in overdrive. normal professional twenty-something young women donn't get visited by ghosts. or do they? when the spirit of Lara's great-aunt Sadi mysteriously appears, she has one request : Lara must find a missing necklace that had been Sadie's possesion for more tahn seventy-five years, because Sadie cannot rest without it.

hmm.. even there is a ghost in this story, but we can fin many funny things and many serious lesson abaout life.

buy it, for add your collection english novels.

pages : 497 pages
Price : Rp. 79.000

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Wondershoe,,(for flat shoes Junkie)


Wondershoe, menghasilkan sepatu-sepatu real Indonesian Handmade loohh..
pertama kali liat sepatu-sepatunya gw pikir ini sepatu buatan luar negeri. Bukan karena nama Brand nya juga, but it's because the Shoes. dari segi model, warna, bentuk.. sepatu Wondershoe lain dari biasanya. Mereka unik-unik, sweet and ga pasaran.. so, dijamain jarang ada yang nyamain deh di kampus.. hahaha..

nah.. buat sepatu segitu bagusnya, menurut gw lumayan terjangkau..(ya buat gw pribadi, mungkin kudu ngumpulin dulu duit 3 bln.. n_n).
Range harga sepatu-sepatu Wondershoe berkisar 150rb-200rn an..

hmm..kalo mw beli kemana ya??

kita bisa buka official website nya Wondershoe at (for online shop)
or.. kita bisa dateng langsung ke official store nya di WONDERS Jl. Kemanggisan Raya No 103 Jakarta Barat.

so girls.. bingung cari spatu yang ga pasaran, harga terjangkau dan unik..buruan ke Wondershoe...!!